Will “Pokémon Go” characters show up in your Commercial Real Estate property?
Within a matter of weeks, Pokémon Go is all the rage and could be considered a phenomenon, while raking in substantial revenues from gamers. It has people are walking around mesmerized by the cell phones, oblivious to the world around them in an Augmented Reality (AR)...
There Is “Hidden Treasure” to Be Found Within the Boundaries of Commercial Real Estate Property
Through an engineered cost segregation study, the right professionals will identify the components of your building that qualify for a shorter tax life.
R&D Tax Credits – They’re Not Just for the Fortune 500
In case you missed it, with legislation enacted in December 2015, federal R&D Tax Credits have been made permanent and are retroactive. This is great news!
Are you “Out Standing in Your Field”?
Essentially every electronic device and transaction creates (or is accessed) for usable, trending and actionable demographic information.
Are You Mired in Commercial RE Portfolio Minutia?
Should you or your firm be evaluating a CRE BI/dashboard platform, do your due diligence. Ask questions.
Big Data, Business Intelligence, Yada, Yada, Yada… It’s Everywhere We Turn.
Imperative to a real estate intelligence tool is the ability to very easily acquire and aggregate relevant data, from internal and external sources.
Big Data, IoT & CRE Performance
Learn how big data and new technology is going to positively and negatively affect your commercial real estate investments.
Considering “Tax Friendly” Commercial Real Estate
Our pre-construction cost segregation consulting service enables the designer and developer to maximize your tax savings.
Value Can Be Found Where You May Not Think To Look
A Look Back Cost Segregation Study can identify the shorter tax life components and allow you to realize the tax deductions in the current tax year.