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Are you “Out Standing in Your Field”?

Are you “Out Standing in Your Field”?

“OUTSTANDING” in your field, vs. “out standing” in your field (like this old rusty truck surrounded by unwanted growth and rubble)… We live in a data driven world; accelerated by the proliferation of Big Data and the Internet-of-Things....
Are You Mired in Commercial RE Portfolio Minutia?

Are You Mired in Commercial RE Portfolio Minutia?

Silos and organizational complexity limit vision so that you “can’t see the forest for the trees”. I recently took an October vacation to Cannon Beach on the north coast of Oregon. It was incredible, and if you know much about Oregon, there are lots...
Big Data, IoT & CRE Performance

Big Data, IoT & CRE Performance

Unless you are immersed in this next technology wave, it can seem overwhelming and perhaps a bit scary too. What is Big Data? As found on Wikipedia, Big Data is defined by these characteristics; Volume, Variety, Velocity, Variability, Veracity and Complexity, and goes...